White Street Mall Revitalisation

Location \ Frankston
Client \ Frankston City Council
Budget \ N/A
Duration\ 2021-2022

Rush Wright Associates were engaged by Frankston City Council to assist with the revitalization of White Street Mall located in the town Centre.

Improved Lighting: Functional and ambient lighting will be installed to support night-time use, ensuring a safe, accessible, and healthy laneway for all. This enhancement aims to contribute to public safety and community engagement during evening hours.

Creating a Bright, Vibrant, and Safe Space: The revitalization project intends to establish a lively and secure environment that supports adjacent businesses, pop-up kiosks, and events. This initiative will contribute to enhancing community engagement and promoting public safety within the White Street Mall.

Seating and Gathering Space: The proposal includes the activation of a currently underutilized space to accommodate outdoor dining, seating, and gathering areas for public events and activities. This addition seeks to modernize the town by transforming unused spaces into vibrant hubs for community interaction.

Improving Aesthetics: The revitalization plan envisions incorporating greenery, artwork, and vibrant colours to attract individuals of all ages. By enhancing the visual appeal, the project aims to encourage day and night use of the mall, promoting community engagement and creating a welcoming atmosphere.

In summary, the revitalization project for White Street Mall not only focuses on improving the physical aspects but also emphasizes community engagement, public safety, and the modernization of the town’s center. The proposed changes aim to transform White Street into a dynamic and inclusive space for residents and visitors alike.

Images above by Tom Roe